10 November 2016

If you want to hide away from someone or never have them in sight, Facebook lets you hide their posts and all activity. So conveniently, just as if they didn't exist. At the same time you can avoid conflict and hard feelings because you're still in each other's friends list. But an unfriend... that is a whole different story. Unfriending is brutal. It hurts. It stands for “I don't want you in my life anymore”. “I'm completely done with you”. “I have nothing left to say to you, only a virtual door to slam in your face.” "So this woman...

6 July 2016

Posted by Anna Notaras |
There is no good way to respond to a fat shamer. Any comeback will make it worse, guaranteed. It's because REAL CONFIDENCE means paying NO attention to shamers at all. If you stop and give precious time of your life to make a 'burning' comeback or whatever you think will show you as smart and confident, you're wrong big time. You're only showing that you care, that it hurt you, that the hater could actually be right. I have never seen a good response to fat shaming. Usually, it's a sort of shaming in itself. It's offending the 'hater', it's...
Falsitatea in persoana e cel mai nou actor in telenovela cainilor comunitari din Romania. Nu e o metafora. Ca si falsii Anghel (dovedit de anchete!), nu e decat o marioneta pusa sa instige prostimea... ca sa mai intre niste fonduri in niste buzunare. Daca nu v-ati dat seama de asta, am vesti proaste despre intelectul Dvs. Vedeta asta care cica a facut muuulte pentru tara noastra (da? ce anume?) nici macar nu a fost atinsa de caine, dar se da ATACATA. Unde sunt ranile atunci, femeie? Descreierata a reactionat normal dupa unii, auzi! Conditia normala...

7 October 2015

We've got this Britain First hashtag trending and originally it's supposed to be a wake up call to see the invasion for what it is. Not the immigration but the invasion but alas... the distinction isn't easy to make when you're a leftist. Well here it is, it's about the lefties after all. All I see on that hashtag is the angry, hateful, intolerant left side spilling insults (with its usual complete lack of arguments) doing what it knows best: to attack those who dare to be different. Oh, you dare state a different opinion? You dare point out the...

6 October 2015

There's this generally accepted idea that skinny equals privileged and few people get to speak the truth about it. Also, there's the much worse part about this - when people feel entitled to bring thin people down, because "they're already privileged and have it better than the rest."Let's have a realistic, most honest look about what it really means to be skinny and see what such people put up with from their oh-so-loving and so kind fat buddies. They always make ridiculous assumptions People won't think you were born like that. They'll just...
To understand whether homeopathy is s scam or an actual science of healing, one should have an honest look at the existing arguments. I summed up some of these already - you can read the first part here. As with all other things, homeopathy can be tested and analysed through logic means. Experiencing can be rather difficult, since it takes great skill and patience to find the right remedy for each case. This is the main issue with it: homeopathic remedies are in great numbers (hundreds) and only one fits one particular case. Therefore, it can be...

27 September 2015

Posted by Anna Notaras | File under : , , , ,
Whenever an atheist meets a believer, there is usually a confrontation. In the vast majority of cases, it's the atheist who's very intrigued and bothered with the believer's existence and doesn't hesitate to ask for a proof that God is real. Every believer is different and will give you a different explanation. Some may not even be able to put it into words, because God simply is there, in everything they perceive. The design of the world, its intelligence are simply God to them. Some will go into philosophy, others into psychology and esoteric...

13 September 2015

Footage of a Muslim man in the UK asking a woman to take her feet off a train seat has recently become viral. We don't get the whole incident, but there's some strange talk involving religion, which really makes no sense here. The issue is clear - she put her feet up on a seat and he wants seats to be clean. Now what's so scandalous about it? Yeah, that's fair enough, it's a mostly Christian country and she doesn't care about whatever he has to say about Islam. True, I wholeheartedly agree. But that's not the issue here... However, commentators...

31 August 2015

It was a few years before the first Tolkien-based film trilogy hit the theatres when I was avidly reading the Kalevala. As I was insanely passionate about the old Nordic cultures, anything that would delight me with a taste of it was welcome. As expected, I became enraptured with Tolkien's world once I could see how deep its roots grew into the Nordic myths. The Professor was a fan of it, as much as I was myself. It happened that the Kalevala...

30 August 2015

Posted by Anna Notaras | File under : , , , , ,
I had thought all the possible thoughts about reincarnation and past and future lives. At some point I could believe in them - I had unexplained strong connexions with places and people, certain affinities that were truly strange occurrences in my life. Do I really need past and future lives though or is one just enough? Are we not trying to justify present weaknesses, coincidences, strange things through this belief of previous lives? Are we not trying to find an excuse for our shortcomings? Are we not postponing our growth for a next life because...